Dr. Deming

I never met W. Edwards Deming.  He passed away twelve years before I “discovered” him.  Few men have effected me as deeply. His life is inspiring, his teachings profound. Please take a few minutes to read Deming’s 14 points from this site.

Deming left us with all the foundation we need to dig ourselves out of this economic mess.  It is my wish that once you are exposed to Deming, to his life, as well as his philosophy, it will, as he said many times, “haunt you”.  It certainly did me.  Today I expend time and energy promoting the work of Deming and working toward the “Better World” he dreamed of.

Participation in The W. Edwards Deming Institute® means that we share Dr. Deming’s vision of a better world. We participate because we strive, with joy, to carry on the work that he began. We seek to conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with his high moral and ethical standards, professional and personal integrity, and commitment to lifelong learning. We do this solely from our dedication to the philosophy and values of Dr. Deming and our belief that together, with humility, we can and will make a difference in the quality of life for everyone. (From Deming Institute website)

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